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Drawing one 

Three Cups drawing 
This was our first drawing for the class. In this drawing I added shadows to the cups to add more spacing to the picture.  I also feel like I added the four points of composition.  Spacing, choosing to have my paper vertical rather than horizontal, 

Self Life




In this drawing it put more effort into shading the shadows and filling them out more using a tissue. I then also tried to draw the floor tile as it was it getting lighter and lighter the farther it got. I also incorporated thick lines on objects that were closer to me. I used the all ten layers of shading. Also unfortunately Wix cut off the top and little bit of the bottom halve of the picture.

Still life drawing 

This is easily my favorite drawing of them all. I Incorporated many different artist elements to the piece with all the objects.(Except the lanyard because its surface was to light to see any shade) I added Leonardo's six element of shading to the objects with indirectly light refection shadow and etc. I also like how I had the light source being shown by having the area where the light was at be the light on the paper while the farthest area on the paper from the light was the darkest. Also because my objects were on top of a mirror it effected the shadows this can be seen with the wallets shadow. 

 One point drawing 

This drawing was the hardest for me to complete as of yet because I had trouble rounding the steering wheel. I picked this picture because the light pole was directly in the middle and would make a great point for my drawing.I tried to shape and shade the clouds so it looked like they were misty and not full big clouds. 

Self portrait drawing

This drawing took some time to finish. I would say the hardest part of this drawing for me was getting the proportions right with the eyes ears and nose. The mouth I also had trouble with the upper lip part. My ears I believe are the best part of the drawing I spent a lot of time and detail getting the ears just right.  

Two point perspective 

My best drawing to date. I more time on this drawing than any other the background took about 2 hours to make it dark enough. I wanted it to look like it was night time in the drawing and tried to make it look like the lights were on in the home to make the vibe that people live in the building. The horizon line and points where probably the hardest part of the drawing because finding the right angle was difficult. I ended up deciding that a close up perspective would be the best for the building. With the hand in the drawing I originally wanted to add a spot that wasn't completely shaded in to make it look like the hand was finishing up the drawing but I decided against it because it looked odd so I filled it in. 

Gray paper drawing


This drawing is my least favorite drawing it. It didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. I had trouble making the charcoal look like feather for the bird. I also had trouble with the pattern of the bird since the bird was black and white I didn't know how to show the big contrast since we couldn't have the black charcoal touch the white charcoal. In the end I decided to just mix them together even though I wasn't supposed to.

Choice drawing 

The choice drawing. I had to rush it to get it done so the quality of it won't be as good as my other drawings. I just used a simple observation drawing from a picture I found off the internet and added some stuff to it to make it more interesting. I added the TV remote, the pencil ,and the paper. Not my favorite drawing that still goes to the two point perspective but it's not my worst. In all honesty I wish I did the three cup drawing again to the see the difference in how much I improved from the start of the class to the end of the class. 

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